Downtown Pomeroy Washington, 1908

News from the

East Washingtonian newspaper logotype

March 15, 1924

Page 8


High Man to Receive Krag Rifle and Club Membership as Prize

The rifle club will stage the annual free-for-all shoot, Sunday, March 30 [1924]. Prizes will be given from a per centage of the entrance fees for the 200, 300 and 600 yard events and for the largest total scores on the three ranges. Range Officer Fred Sherill will have charge of the field and no one will be allowed to load, snap or aim any gun back of the firing line.

Any kind of gun may be used and any sight excepting one containing glass. No explosive or incendiary ammunition will be allowed. Gun slings will be permitted. Participants are asked to bring their own guns and not depend upon being able to borrow one at the range.

All guns are to be put on the rack with magazines empty and breeches open until the turn comes for firing. Lunch will be obtainable at the range.

Five shots will be allowed at each range. An entrance fee of 50 cents will be charged for each 5 shots. Events to be shot are 200 yards offhand, 300 yards sitting or kneeling and 600 yards prone with sand bag.

Firing at the 200-yard range will begin at 8:30 and no entries at 200 yards after 10:00 o'clock.

The prize money is to be divided equally among the three ranges after expenses are paid.

Prizes to Be Given

For 200 yards: One-third of the total remaining money to be divided in the ratio of 2 to 1. First prize 2 and the second 1.

For 300 yards and 600 yards: The same as the 200-yard event.

The prize for the best average over the three ranges will be a Krag rifle with one year's membership in the Pomeroy Rifle club, valued at $15.00.

Sherrill Wins Shoot

Lester Sherill, with an average of 78 per cent Won a bandolier of ammunition at the shoot Sunday, March 9. This prize is hung for the best score made at a shoot when ten or more members are present. After winning one bandolier of shells the winner is barred until all present have won shells, his score being counted on the season's total when the one making the highest score will be given five bandoliers.

Leslie Krouse won last Sunday with an average of 81 per cent.

Scoggins District News

The thermometer stood at 24 degrees above zero at the Jasper Scoggins place last Monday morning.

Little farming is being done in the Scoggins district, the ground being too wet to work.

Eighteen baskets were sold at the social held in the school house last Friday night. A program and radio concert were enjoyed. Instrumental music was furnished by W. B. Kuykendall, O. S. Scoggins and Leslie Wisenor.

An electric bench, causing some of the younger generation to rise unexpectedly to their feet, was the source of much amusement.

Birthday Celebrated

A party in honor of the 9th birthday anniversary of Mabel Schuster, was given at the home of Mrs. Martin Schuster Saturday. Games were played during the afternoon. Grace Geiger and Mrs. J. A. Fox served refreshments. Those present were An-tonette and Myra Francisco, Cecelia McGrath, Dorothy Meyers, Janet Schneckloth, Myrn Ledgerwood, Eva Waldher, Kathleen McCabe, Kathryn McKeirnan, Cecil Waldher, Cecelia Schaefer, Leota and Margaret Graaf, Anna Thoma, Merle Ledgerwood, Thomas and Michael McKeirnan, John Mangan, Frances Kucklick, Carl and Eugene Schuster, John Meyers, Pat McCabe, Albert Landkammer.

Celebrate 71st Birthday

Twenty-three guests enjoyed a dinner given in honor of the 71st birthday anniversary of J. W. Fuller at his home on Tucannon, March 16.

Personal Mentions

Mrs. Augusta Bookman left Friday for a visit with her daughter at La Crosse.

The fine kodak work turned out by Kuykendal's is stimulating interest in picture taking, especially since they develop films free.

Frank Goetze made a business trip to Walla Walla, in his car Friday, returning the same day.

E. V. Kuykendall, director of public works was in Pomeroy, Saturday night. Mr. Kuykendall was on his way from Spokane, where he had held a public service hearing, to Walla Walla, where he will attend to some other business for the state.

Mrs. Harry Hoffeditz of Dayton, was in Pomeroy Monday, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kucklick.

Mrs. J. A. Craig is ill with an attack of gall stones.

Ask to see a cream separator at McKeirnans, we have both new and second hand ones.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dickson, Gilbert Dickson and Elizabeth Dickson spent the week-end with Mrs. Joe Baker and Mrs. Lee Matlock at Pendleton. Mrs. Baker is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dickson.

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sullivan and family and Mrs. Jenny R. Brown, Mrs. Sullivan's mother, visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGrath in Walla Walla.

Be sure to ask your grocer for hard baked bread when you desire it. We aim to please. Pomeroy Sanitary Bakery.

Arthur Farance, who is attending school at Washington state college spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Pomeroy.

Ira King left for Jackson station Tuesday where he has been employed by Len Jackson.

Be sure to ask your grocer for hard baked bread when you desire it. We aim to please. Pomeroy Sanitary Bakery.

Mrs. J. F. Hull has been in Dayton helping her mother move her household things from the residence in town to the ranch.

McFall & Pearson received a car of hardwood last week.

Den Ruark has taken the agency for the Oldsmobile in this territory and has four cars on the floor in the Bartlow garage.

Mr. and Mrs. G-. W. Freeman of Waitsburg, spent Sunday with their son, G. E. Freeman, proprietor of the Crystal confectionery.

Porter Bros, have changed their stand from the Robison clubhouse to the Revere hotel.

Edward Buchet left Saturday, for Hot Lake, where he will receive medical treatment for rheumatism. Mr. Buchet expects to return in a week or ten days.

William Riggs made a trip to Starbuck Tuesday.

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