Lewis and Clark
Bicentennial Trail Ride
May 24-25, 2003

The Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Trail Ride took place on May 24-25, 2003, from Dayton, Washington to Pomeroy, Washington.  The majority of the Trail Ride followed the trail taken by Lewis and Clark on their return home in May, 1805.


At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington

At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington


At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington


Lewis & Clark Trail Ride coming into Pomeroy Washington
Donna Flynn and a couple of her Percherons.


At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington


At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington
Better watch out!

At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington
Musical entertainment provided before supper.


At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington
Pomeroy's Edith Cole with her Sacajawea presentation.


At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington
An overflow crowd at the Garfield County Fairgrounds for the closing 
program of the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride.

At the end of the trail on the Lewis & Clark Trail Ride, Pomeroy, Washington
Out of her traveling clothes, Nikki Jones closes the event with a
"Question and Answer" session.
Winners got Sacajaera Dollars.



The Wagon Train
along the trail west of Pomeroy | Coming into Pomeroy | in downtown Pomeroy |
At the end of the trail, dinner and entertainment


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