Downtown Pomeroy Washington, 1908

News from the

East Washingtonian newspaper logotype

January 2, 1958

Page 1

Bishop Will Dedicate Methodist Building

Dedication of the educational building of the Pomeroy Methodist church will take place this Sunday, Oct. 16 at 11 a. m.

Methodist Bishop Everett W. Palmer

Bishop Everett W. Palmer

The dedication will be conducted by Bishop Everett W. Palmer, Seattle, and assisted by the Rev. A. C. Wischmeier, superintendent of the Walla Walla district.

Invocation will be given by the former pastor, the Rev. Lloyd Alden, and anthems by the cherub, chancel and adult choirs. A reception will follow the morning service, followed by a potluck dinner in the Fellowship hall.

"The 54-year-old bishop took work as a ranch hand and gold miner prior to his religious work. He entered Dakota Wesleyan University and after graduation took a small church that had been closed, rounded up 11 people, and re-opened it. Through years of college work at DWU, Drew and Union Theological seminaries, and Oxford University, he supported his wife and family as a nightshift worker, Spanish tutor, but always as a full-time minister.

"He received his BD cum laude at Drew. He is a regular contributor to religious periodicals, wrote two books, and has led seminars to Europe, the Middle and Far East," said the Rev. John P. Johnson, pastor.

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