March 1, 1913

Page 2

Ilia Personals

partial scan of newspaper article

ILIA, Wash. Feb. 26—Lester Grayson has returned from Walla Walla, wbere he has been visiting.

C. A. Cook was in Pomeroy on business last week.

Our Sunday school was very well attended Sunday, but we hope there will be more next Sunday.

Miss Ross spent Saturday night down a Wade’s Bar with Mr. Grayson’s folks.

Ed Godsey went to Pomeroy Saturday returning Sunday.

Hollis Shelton who has been sick all winter went to Clarkston Monday morning to try an Osteopath a while.

Ivan Berford is doing some prunning [sic] for Mr. Cook.

Mr. Hillis, an old friend of Miss Ross, was calling in our neighbor hood Sunday.

Mrs. Wm. Isb, who underwent a serious operation at Pullman, is improving rapidly.

CLARKSTON, Feb., 26—Watson Davis brought his son over Friday to see Dr. Foster and will take treatments.

S. A. McGuire and family and Mr. J. Garlington took dinner at J. Q. Fitzsimmons’ Monday. Mr. Garlington will return to his home in Montana this week.

Edward Munch of Pataha City was a visitor here a few days this week.

## 30 ##

March 1, 1913

Page 5


Personal Mentions and Events of interest on Pomeroy and Surrounding Country

Millinery opening at Mrs. Myrtle Nye's on March 14th and 15th. tf

Brooms made on Snake River, 25 Cents each at The Mercantile. tf

Alfala seed, testing 99.85 per cent. pure, also pure grass seeds for sale at J R. Stevenson's tf.

Fresh Jersey cow for sale. — Call John Broyles, phone 14F2. tf

Buggies, Hacks and light harness, at prices you can't afford to miss, for sale at J. R. Stevenson's tf

Try the Palace Barn feed yard. 2t

Mrs. Pryor of Walla Walla was visiting here this week.

Palace Barn wants to see you. 2t

C. A. Alexander was a passsenger for Chard Thursdy.

We have sewing machines for rent by the week or month. — Vaasar & Son. tf

Mrs. W. S. Oliphant was the guest of Mrs. Kate Darby several days this week.

Henley & Son have coal for sale. tf

L. T. Christopherson returned from Spokane Monday and declares that the rumor that he was about to get married had no foundation in fact.

Five hundred dollars to loan on city property by A. G Farley, tf

Mrs. Blanche Bangs, who went to Spokane to study the latest in millinery, was taken suddenly ill and returned home Sunday.

You can't afford to miss the special sale of wall paper at Central Drug Store. Prices are greatly reduced, tf.

James Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Armstrong were among those returning home by train Wednesday.

Lee Garren brought bis wife home from the hospital Tuesday, She was still very weak. Mrs. R. W. Rigsby met them at Starbuck.

Good bunchgrass pasture, $105. per month. —E, S. Williams, phone 2CF21. tf

E. V. Kuykendall returned Wednesday from his trip to Portland and Olympia. He stopped over one day in Walla Walla, on the return trip, to attend to some business connected with the closing up of the Palace Store bankruptcy case. Attorney G. W. Jewett was also in Walla Walla or business.

The lumber in Frank Rach's Pataha dance platform is for sale. 2t.

Mrs. Wm. Yoeman came up from Bend, Oregon, Tuesday.

C. Alex McCabe has White Rock chickens for sale. 3t

The Northwestern Vaudeville Road Show at the Knettle Grand to night.

Art Johnson and Hank Shreffler were among the passengers for Pomeroy on Tuesday's train.

For Sale—Show case and counter. Apply to Mrs. Myrtle Nye. tf

Earl Jones has gone for a visit to Pullman and then to Sask, B. C., to join his sister Mrs. Bodier and his brothers Pel and Frank who reside there.

Feed your team at the Palace Barn. 2t

Mrs. Altermatte, the daughter of Mrs. Bernard Frei, left Tuesday morning for her home at Berens. Canada. She will stop in Sprague for a few days visit with friends.

Buff Orpington eggs and seting hens for sale. — Wm. J. Schmidt, phone 75J. 2t

Miss Linville and Miss Pay Alexander visited the letter's sister, Mrs. O. A. Johnson at Chard Sunday.

Mrs. May Robertson has 20 canary birds including a number of fine singers, which are for sale, tf

Kirt Yeager made a Sunday visit at the home of Den Chard, at Chard Station.

Before buying see the New Case heavy beam gang plows, steel or wood beam walking plows, harrows. — E. M. Rauch. tf

L. A. MoNaught and his niece Misa Hazel Emerson, left for Seatle Tuesday. Miss Saltmarsh, sister of Hazel Emerson died there Tuesday morning. Miss Emerson has been there several days.

Now is the time to have those pictures framed. I have just receivd a new line of the most up to-date moulding on the market. — H. J. Kuykendall, at Central Drug Store.

P. M. Somers, formerly of Pomeroy, but now living in Walla Walla, came to Pomeroy Tuesday to look after an account which he claims is due him for repairing an automobile, but which he had been unable to collect.
  The other party claims that Somers damaged his car $400 worth.

A dollar or so spent for wall paper will add to your comfort all winter and make your rooms look like new. Buy it now while you can save money at Central Drug Store tf

Mrs. Barnhardt and Clarence Brunk arrived home Monday from their visit to Kansas City.

Mrs. Dora Johnson of Portland and Mrs. Cook of Spokane, are here visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Malcolm, Both ladies will go to Portland early in the coming week.

Don't forget that personal taxes go delinquent March 15, also that the period in which the 3 per cent. may be saved on real taxes expires at that time.

Wm. Scoggin found Harry McQueen's keys. Now if the person who borrowed Harry's step ladder, about holiday time, will bring it home, he will be doubly garteful.

Mrs. Hatly who went to Lewiston to see her father, Mr. Wilson, who was very sick, returned Sunday, her father having recovered sufficiently to accompany her home.

Mrs. Chas. Goldman left yesterday for Pendleton, to attend the funeral of her Uncle W. O. Krebs who died at bis home thereon Thursday.

After completing some repairs on the toll line at Marengo, Robt, Reilley went to Chard Wednesday to do some work on the Dodge farmer line.

A son was born to the wife of Chas. P. Taylor Wednesday night, and on Thursday, Mrs. Stanley Dixon presented her husband a fine boy.

Health Officer Dr. Gilbert reports all the diphtheria cases well except little Den Ruark, who is getting along nicely.

Mrs Mollie Williams has for rent the building just vacated by Drs. Coon and Coon. Good for family, an apartment house or a sanitarium. Will rent a part or all. See H. L. Chard for particulars. tf

The powerful engine "139" brought the heavy train up from Starbuck on schedule time Tuesday, showing what will be the improvement in service after the new turn table has been installed and the use of such an engine thus made practicable on the Pomeroy line.

A. J. Buchet took a car of hogs to Portland this week for W. J. Rummens and will visit Yreka, Cal., to see if anything can be profitably done in the way of shipping cattle out of that locality to Porland markets. Scarcity of beef is becoming a serious problem.

The Ogden brothers left Saturday for Levingsworth, Wash.

Mrs. J W. Oliver has White Rock cockerels for sale. Phone 15F2. tf

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Armstrong went to Spokane Sunday.

Cbarley Russell has been visiting in Walla Walla.

Bert Rynearson has sold his delivery outfit to B. P. McCallum.

Fred Yanney has returned from a visit to Walla Walla.

Roaster coffee, 4 pounds for $1.00 at the Mecrantile. tf

Born, Feb. 23 to Mr. and Mrs. John Daisley, a daughter. [added in April, 2024, is daughter (Bernice) Daisley's obituary from 1985.]

Go to the Palace Barn for good teams. 2f

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Howell returned from Walla Walla Sunday.

S. B. Bruce is in Twin Falls, Idaho on business.

Miss Erma Massie left Tuesday for Hooper.

Hank C. Thompson has returned from a business trip to Dayton.

Mrs. Florence Melton returned Sunday from a visit to her daughter Mrs. Bendix, in Walla Walla.

Mrs. Mengee returned to her home on the Tucannon Tuesday, accompained by her mother who goes for a few weeks visit to her old home.

New Empire and Hosier drills, Roderick Lean double acting Disc harrows; get my prices which are right. —E. M. Raucb. tf

Mrs. J. M. Robinson have been visiting their daughters, Mrs. Dora Ickes and Mrs. Clara Clark, in Walla Walla.

See Garfield County Abstract Co for collections, insurance and first class investments. tf

Mrs. Hattie McQueen and daughters who had been here to attend the funeral of J. T. McQueen, returned to their home in Spokane Saturday.

The Misses Virginia Lathrup, Pearl Bowne and Lola Nye spent Sunday with Ula Owsley on the farm at Zumwalt.

Attorney Kuykendall ascertained that Dr. Slack was a humorist there as well as at home.

J. H. Jackson would like to have somebody remember that an early Easter does not always mean an early spring.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robinson have been visiting their daughters in Walla Walla.

Workmen are puting in the new turn table at the depot.

Mrs. Irene Williams is down from Spokane, visiting her mother, Mrs. W. J. Schneckloth.

George Light has a team and buggy for sale.

For sale—A surrey, good as new. inquire at McKeirnan Meyers & Co. 2t

Guy Wetherly is visiting relatives in Portland.

Rev. W. A. Gressman held services in Starbuck Wednesday night.

Mrs. C. G. Shawen and Mrs. F. P. Bangs this week attended the W. C. T. U. executive board meeting at Hillyard.

W. R. Parlett has been spending a few days in Walla Walla.

Mrs. Kate Darty lost her Eastern Star pin. Who found it?

A son was born Monday to the wife of Volley Parlet.

John Jeffreys, Dan Kidwell and Elmer Bagley came home by Thursday's train.

Mrs. Edna Lacey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. DeBow, left for her home at Twin Falls, yesterday.

T. M. Schleppy is fixng up the buldings on his Columbia center farm, preparatory to moving there immediately.

Ord Baldwin returned Sunday from Goldendale, his wife remaining for a longer visit.

A public benefactor operating on the street Wednesday sold pencils at 10 cents a dozen and $3.00 razors at 25 cents.

Attorney Farley attended the U. S. Court in North Yakima this week, on business connected with the Joyce White Slavery case.

Mrs. D. W. Green came up from Walla Walla Thursday to see her new grandson, at the home of Stanley Dixon.

Dick Owsley and Mrs. Coston returned from Lewiston Thursday. While over there Dick found a tenant for his Clarkston property.

Henry Snodderly has gone to Portland to select a Belgian Stallion to replace the fine animal owned by the Falling Spring Farmers which died last winter.

J. A. Crumpacker says roads are fine in his vicinity, on Meadow Gulch. Dust flies from the beaten path along the grades to snowdrifts a few feet away.

Sam Barnhart, with his family left yesterday for the home of his parents, at Lawrence, Kansas, and will make their home there or at Kansas City. Mr. Barnhart says he likes Garfleld county and its people, but his parents are old and want him to look after the farm.

Fire Saturday destroyed the greater part of the house and its contents, of Johnny Miller. The flre caught from the stove, an old one, which had a reservoir removed from it. In the absence of water the receptacle heated and the wall paper caught fire from it. The alarm was turned in from the station in East Pomeroy and the hose cart was taken from the main station.

Mrs. Lenox, mother of Fred Hungate arrived yesterday for a visit.

Mrs. Liggett is back from her trip to Hoover .

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Taylor of Pendleton are visiting their relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham of Twin Falls, are visiting here. She is a daughter of Wm. Shangle.

Mr. Hamilton has returned from his trip to Chicago. He says Mr. Bell was in good spirits when he parted with him in Chicago.

Carl Craig is at work in Koenig and Co's taking the place of Elmer Jeffreys, who has gone to the ranch with his parents.

Mr. Yates from Whitman College has temporary charge of the school classes formerly conducted by the late DeForest Bell.

S. N. Robertson and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Trosper and A. E. Dickson spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kauche.

John Will Sommerville left for Illinois Tuesday, having been called east by the serious sickness of bis sister. He has four sisters and one brother in Illinois.

The grand jury at North Yakima threshed out six or seven white slavery cases and found only two true bills. Pat Joyce was among those who were not indicted. He will return to Pomeroy today.

The farmers have again placed orders for the penitentiary made sacks, but will not know what they will get, till after the orders have all been received and the apportionment made from Garfleld county's allotment.

Judge Miller came up from Dayton yesterday to attend to some business in the superior court. The jury session will be held in the middle of the month.

F. M. and E. C. Fanning raised $75 by collection to pay for the surgical operation of Earl Ball.

Yesterday Dr. Darby assisted by Drs. Gilbert and Dean performed an operation on Earl Ball, primarily for appendicitis, and to explore the bile tract, because of an inflammation. The gall bladder had ruptured and a collection of bile settled down near the appendix. Drain tubes were inserted and this trouble will have to be cleared away before tbe appendix can be removed.

## 30 ##

September 13, 1913

Page 1

Local Brevities

N D Knettle is building a barn on his Zumwalt place

Frank Rach sold four horses to George Davis for $500.

Gus Obenland and his family left Sunday for their home in Seattle.

To let—2 rooms for light housekeeping. Opposite depot. 2t

Miss Hazel Burnett has gone to Bellingham to attend the State Normal school.

Mrs. Florence Melton bas returned from her visit to her daughter, Mrs. Bendix, at Walla Walla.

Have you joined the Fishermen? --adv

W. H Morrison came down from Spokane Saturday to join bis wife on her visit here and returned Monday.

Miss Eoline Wellman returned Saturday to her home at Starbuck, from a visit to her sitser, Mrs. H. F. Clodius. Miss Wellman will teach in the Starbuck school.

Low wood wheel track S42.50, can use for trail. First class for picking up grain. J. G, Morris. tf

Miss Margaret Davies after viisting the Misses Rhodes left Sunday for her home at Baker. Miss Gladys Darby accompanying her to Starbuck.

Mrs M. C. Sands, who came down from Eureka, Montana, last week says the winters are a little to cold for her up there, that she prefers Garfield county climate in the winter time.

Just received, a large line of Moore's Unleakable Fountain Pens. -L. T. Christopherson, jeweler. 2t

Master Clarence Hubbel with his Shepherd pup and game cock, returned to Starbuck Sunday, after spending the vacation months with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Munch, at Pataha City.

Strayed—Two red yearling heifers branded two half circles on left hip. Notify S. R. Dixon —adv

J. E. Stentz and Bert McCabe sent to Clarkston Sunday to visit relatives and friends. they had just closed the season's run with R. H. Howell's combine, Mr. Stentz being separator tender.

Lost—On Main street, Wednesday aiternoon, arrow shaped fraternity pin, with name of owner on back. The finder will please leave the pin at this office   2t

Grace Harper, who had been visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Isaac Tewalt, left Saturday for her home at Spokane, Mrs. Tewalt accompanying her to Starbuck.

A big sale of Live Stock and farm implements will be held at the Chard farm, near Chard Station on the 24th of September

Sidney Arcenaux, the new proprietor of a clothes cleaning and repairing establishment in the Loy building, invites the closest inspection of his work, and guarantees prompt service to all patrons

The O W R & N Company will run in excursion train to the Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days celebration on Saturday, September 27. Tickets will sell at $3.10 for the round trip. the train will leave Pomeroy about seven o'clock in the morning and arrive home at 10 or 11 at night.

If you have furniture, or any thing in the line of household goods for sale, call up Main 50 and let us figure with you -- Vassar & Son.